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10 Ways to Fit in More Stitching

The #1 way to find extra stitching time is to have a project ready to go at a moment's notice. Make sure you have pattern, floss, chart, pens, scissors and whatever other accessories you need and put them all in a Ziploc bag. Keep it handy to pick up for one of the following occasions:

Regular appointment with yourself

Pick a slow time of day and make a regular appointment to stitch for five or ten minutes.

Stitch and read

Like to read as well as stitch? Borrow a book on tape from the library and stitch as you listen.

TV Commercials

Some people can stitch while watching a program but I find stitching during commercials is better. I don't need to pay attention to them!

Stitching with Friends

Do you know of any fellow stitchers nearby? Set a day and time for a regular stitching meet - if you normally get together for coffee and a chat anyway, why not make that a stitching time?

While Dinner Cooks

If everything is on the stove or in the oven and you're just waiting for it to finish cooking, pick up a project and add a few more stitches.

In Waiting Rooms

Got a dentist or doctor appointment and you know you'll be spending time waiting? Take a small project with you and stitch while you wait. The time will go more quickly and you'll come closer to finishing your project.

During Coffee Breaks

Instead of reading a magazine, pick up your project and put in a few stitches first.

While Computing

Do you often wait for slow web pages to load, files to download or upload or printers to print? Take advantage of the time and put in a few stitches.

Waiting to Pick Up Children from School

Deliberately leave a few minutes early and take advantage of the extra time by stitching.

Waiting for Laundry

Do you use a laundromat? Take your stitching with you while you wait for the washing to be finished. You could also do the same thing at home of course but betting is that you usually just toss the laundry in the machines then go ahead with other chores!

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